Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine & Yoga with a focus on Women's Wellness & Family Care.
Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years as a powerful & effective form of medicine. It is one of the oldest, continuously practiced medical systems in the world. Acupuncture treats the whole system at every treatment which means clients come in with various ailments (seemingly unrelated) and having them all improve at once. Not only a stand alone modality, more and more acupuncture is being incorporated as highly beneficial adjunct to Western Medical Treatment.
What exactly is acupuncture? Acupuncture is the practice of stimulating specific points on the body with thin, sterile needles to correct imbalances in the flow of “qi” or energy through the “meridians” or energy pathways. This process not only improves the free flow of energy but also nourishes and oxygenates the organs and blood.
What about the needles? As thin as a human hair, many people barely feel them as they are inserted. All needles are one-time disposable and pre-sterilized. Most people who say they are fearful of trying acupuncture due to the needles are quickly converted when they see how gentle, non-invasive and painless it can actually be.
What can Acupuncture treat?
Pain • Autoimmune Diseases • Migraines & Headaches
Stress • Thyroid Imbalance •. Depression & Anxiety
Insomnia • Digestive Disorders • Fatigue / Low Immune Function
Fertility & Pregnancy Support • Hormonal Support • Mood Imbalance
Irregular Menses • Allergies & Asthma •. Arthritis
Gynecological Imbalances • Injuries & Trauma • And much more!
What should I expect? The principle of acupuncture is to treat each person as an integrated whole in body, mind, and spirit, and to work to heal the root cause of illness and disease as well as the symptoms. Different acupuncture points are selected according to an in-depth assessment at the time of your appointment. Location of points and the number of acupuncture points used varies each treatment. Diagnosis is done by observation of the pulse, tongue and information presented by the client. Listening to the pulses on both wrists, allows the practitioner access to gauge the health of the different meridians and organ systems. On the first appointment, a detailed health history will be taken by the acupuncturist. Physical Diagnostic Testing, composed of pressing into specific places in the abdomen, checking meridian flow bilaterally, feeling temperatures on the body, and blood pressure check, are assessed to give the practitioner the best overall picture of health.
***Please refrain from using caffeine, intoxicants, heavy makeup and perfume prior to a treatment as to not interfere in the diagnostic assessment.
Initial Consultations usually are about 75 mins in length if in person and 45mins if done via phone.
All subsequent treatments are usually about 45min to 1 hour in length.
Cash, Checks and Credit Cards accepted forms of Payment.
***All scheduled appointments must be canceled 24 hours in advance of appointment time to avoid being charged in full for the missed appointment.
Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicine is rooted at the very beginning of human history, first evidence of it’s practice found on every single continent and estimated to have began around 3,000BC. Around 80% of the World’s population today, still rely on herbs as their primary means of healthcare. Enthusiasm for this ancient form of medicine has never been greater than it is today as countless studies have helped science back the powerful, healing effects of herbs. Many of the most advanced hospitals and clinics around the world, such as the Mayo Clinic, have recognized Herbal Medicine as an invaluable healing tool alone and in combination with western treatment as a Complimentary Therapy .
Please check out the yoga section at the Luma Center for current classes. Private one on one and small group session are available upon request.